The Fox and the Crow: Moral English Storytelling for Kids

Once upon a time, a crow lived in a forest. She loved to sing. One day, in the morning she found a piece of cheese. The crow took the cheese and sat on the branch of a tree. The crow wanted to eat that piece of cheese peacefully. She was about to enjoy her breakfast. […]
The Boy and the Filberts: A Moral Story for Kids in English – Download PDF

Once upon a time, a boy was walking through a field. He saw a pitcher full of filberts. He was pleased to see the pitcher full of filberts. The boy put his hand into a pitcher to get some filberts. However, he was not able to get a handful of filberts. He only managed to […]
The Ant and The Dove: A Moral Story

A long ago in a forest, there lived an ant and a dove together. They were best friends. The ant used to collect food for winter while the dove likes to fly here and there.One day the ant was busy searching for some food when she slipped and fell in a stream. She was trying […]
The Bear and Two Friends: A Moral Story

Once upon a time, two friends lived in a small village. One day, they decided to go into the forest for a picnic. As they were enjoying their meal, a bear suddenly appeared and started following them. The other friend, who was still running, saw his friend climbing up the tree and thought to himself, […]
The Helpful Firefly

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a little firefly named Sparky. Sparky was a very helpful firefly who loved to brighten up the dark nights for all the animals in the village. But there was a problem – Sparky didn’t know how to speak English very well. One day, a lost […]
The Honest Woodcutter

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a kindly woodcutter named Raj. He lived with his family and earned his living chopping wood in the nearby forest. One day, while he was cutting down trees near a river, the king’s ax fell from his hand and fell into the water. The king […]
The Magic of Kindness

Once upon a time there were two friends in a small town named Lily and Tom. Lily loved to help others, but Tom didn’t. Lily once saw an old man struggling to carry groceries. Without thinking, Lily rushed to help him. She smiled and said, “Hi, my name is Lily. I’m helping you with that […]
The Rainbow Fish

In one bright sea lived a rainbow fish. All the colors of the rainbow shone on her scales, making her unique and beautiful. However, Rainbow Fish was lonely because she believed her beauty was all that mattered. Once a blue fish asked if he could have bright spots. Rainbow Fish agreed, feeling proud of her […]
The Fox and the Hound

In a friendly forest lived an inquisitive dog named Freddy and a faithful dog named Hank. They were unlikely to be friends, enjoying adventures under a green roof. One day the other animals warned, “Dogs and dogs can’t be friends!” Freddie and Hank felt bad but decided to prove them wrong. As times changed, their […]
The Boy Who Grew Flowers

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Timmy in a small village. Timmy was a little different from the other kids. He had magical powers – he could grow flowers from his fingertips. Timmy loved his special gift, but the other kids didn’t understand. They thought it was weird and sometimes made fun […]